I'm sorry, but these words are not in English. You may want to use Google Translate or another online translation service if you are unable to provide an introduction in English. Your intro should indicate whether or not your blog post is written for a general audience, including those who might be interested in the topic outside of the target site's core audience, and confidently summarize what your article will cover. If your blog post is on a more specific topic that would only be of interest to readers within the core audience of that site then it might be better off as a standalone article rather than on that site's blog. Please note that posts which are too short or too generic will be removed. Your intro text should be no longer than 100 words. Please try to include a link back to the original post on the blog or website from which you are reposting it. If you have written a guest post for this site please include a link back as well. If your post is going to be reposted on a number of other websites you should also provide a description of the other sites it will appear on, give them all a quick mention and indicate where they can be found. You can do this by adding links directly into your introduction or linking to them in your main body of text after your introduction. When adding a video you should provide a few sentences describing the video and why people will find it interesting. Alternatively, you could add a written review of the video to accompany it. Some sites have a tool that will automatically generate an introduction for your post from the first paragraph of your article or blog post. Use this tool if you can't write one yourself, but remember that your intro should be no longer than 100 words. If your blog post is being reposted on another site please give them credit by including their logo in the image box. If you have uploaded an image of your own then please use this instead so that readers can see where else your post is appearing on the web. If you have a commercial website or a service that you would like to promote in a post then consider a sponsorship, which will last for the life of your article. If your post is going to be reposted on another site you can add links directly from the original post to it's reposting on your own site. This means that when you post it on other sites there will be no need for an introduction. Please use an image if you have one, so that readers can see where else your post is appearing on the web. When you submit your post you should also check the "Suggest as a possible story for Slashdot." box. This will ensure that the editors of Slashdot, one of the biggest websites on the internet, will consider your post as a potential story. This is especially useful if you're posting something that's already gotten some press and/or if your blog post is about technology or science. If you do not know how to write for this website then please read some of it's articles and reviews before submitting anything. Reading them will give you an idea of how to improve your writing and what kind of content gets accepted by our editors. 8eeb4e9f32 40
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